As I stated in my previous post I have put my Amiga 500 into an ATX case. Link is below
Since my mainboard is Rev5 board, I am unable to insert a ROM EPROM directly into ROM socket on mainboard. Because Rev5 boards have a design fault. So some modification is necessary. First I checked this.
I did not want to modify my mainboard as well as the EPROM. So I decided to make a small circuit. Schematic is below.

For now I did not use the resistor packs. I will check the stability of the system. I will put it if needed on the board. I left place for it.

Later I will design a PCB for that. Also you can check on PCBWAY for products done by other designers.
Update: I designed a PCB for this design. You can order from Pcbway. Here’s the link: